Thursday, March 26, 2015

Inexpensive Exercise

Every year, many people make the decision to become healthier and get into shape.  Many buy 

gym memberships or DVDs so they can start working out. However, this can be a waste of 

money if you are not using these expensive resources frequently. This week, we will discuss 

ways to make exercising less expensive, especially if you’re having trouble finding time to work 

out frequently.

Did you know that are exercising apps that allow you to log your food intake, exercise and 

goals? With the right free app, you can easily enter your eating and exercise goals. This can 

increase your motivation to exercise.

Your local public library probably has exercise DVDs that you can check out. You can also find 

free exercise videos on the Internet. And if you rent DVDs or stream videos from Netflix, you 

could try out some exercise DVDs with them. Even if you are exercising in front of a small 

screen, you can still get an intense workout at no cost. 

Lastly, now that it is spring, take advantage of the good weather. Walking or running around 

your block or at a local park with a friend will help keep you motivated. If you own a bike, be 

sure to use it because cycling is great exercise. If you are big on running or biking, you might 

want to look into runners groups or cycling clubs. Find a group that fits your exercise personality 

and you can get in shape without spending all your money.

READERS, what do you think?

1. Are you using any of the techniques above to make exercising less expensive?

2. Do you know of any other ways to reduce the cost of exercise?


Kaplan, D. A. (2015). 5 Cheap Ways to Exercise. Retrieved March 25, 2015, from