Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Student Loans and Dating by Shakayle Raney* (Guest author)

When on dating, we may ask: "Do you plan on getting married one day?" or "Do you want children?" Perhaps, the question we should ask is "How much student loan debt do you have?"  According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, about 37 million Americans are paying off student loans, and 27% of them have overdue payments.

An article from the San Antonio Express-News emphasizes the connection between student loan debt and relationships. Claudia Feldman reports that some singles could be staying single because of their financial debt, while couples report money is the subject that they argue about the most. While paying off loans can be stressful, it is important to remember that doing so is the responsible thing and an investment for the future. 

It is important to know to how much debt the person you are dating has because it can help with future financial decisions that are made. For instance, where will the two of you be going on dates (movies or park)? What type of gifts you will be receiving and giving (store bought or homemade)? It can also help to build trust in the relationship by communicating about financial situations in order to reduce arguments over money. 

Ultimately, the choice is yours to decide who you date. But here are some questions to think about before starting an relationship with someone.
·         Does this person have any debt?

·         Can this person pay off that debt?

·         How long will this person be in debt for?

·         Are you willing to add that person’s debt to your own expenses? 

 Readers, what do you think?

  • Would you choose not to date someone if he/she had amassed a huge amount of student loan debt?
  • Would you break up with someone because of their student loans?

 *Shakayle Raney is an undergraduate student with UK Department of Family Sciences
Feldman, C. (2012, August 06). Does student loan debt put a damper on your relationship?. San Antonio Express-News. Retrieved September 2012, from http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/article/Does-student-loan-debt-put-a-damper-on-your-3761199.php

1 comment:

  1. I found your questions very thought-provoking… I believe it depends on the circumstances surrounding the individual in debt. If he or she exhibits the will and dedication to become immersed in their career and pay off their loans in a timely fashion then I do not view this as a deal breaker. In regards to breaking up with someone due to their financial debt from student loans, I could see ending a relationship if he or she had no intention or thought-out proposals for paying it all back.

    Elizabeth K.
