Thursday, October 11, 2012

Finance Lessons from Runners?! by Rachael Chihak* (Guest contributor)

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Can we really learn finance tips from runners?  This Video clip from ABC News says that maybe we can. The key to understanding this concept is to think like a runner thinks.  They set goals (and achieve them), they have low stress (because they exercise), they have discipline, and they think about the finish line. 

Like runners, we must decide our goals and values in order to save money and be financially stable. Whether it be saving for a trip or paying off a credit card, we need to set financial goals for ourselves and achieve them.  Like runners, we need to exercise control of our financial situations, and be less stressed about our finances.  We need the runner’s discipline. Lastly, we need to think about the finish line, the ultimate thing want to achieve.

Although it seems farfetched, we really can learn from runners. We need the same mindset as a runner, set goals and achieve them through exercise and discipline. 

READERS, what do you think?

Can you think of one short-term goal you want to set?
What about a long-term goal?

*Rachael Chihak is an undergraduate student with UK Department of Family Sciences

ABC News.  (2012, September, 13). What Runners Can Teach You About Saving Money. [Video File].  ABC. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth Cox

    Rachael - I think this was a very interesting video/concept to consider. I'd never thought about the mindset of a runner and how it can be applied to financial mindset but there really is a lot of correlation. Having defined goals, low stress, and a focused mind are such key things to being financially successful. Thanks for sharing!
