Monday, November 4, 2013

The Reason for Life Insurance

Have you seen commercials for life insurance before? Maybe they run in the middle of the day during your favorite game show, and usually feature happy older adults who want to cover their final expenses? Commercials like these probably have led you to believe that life insurance is meant for older people, or that the main purpose of it is to cover funeral costs. However, this is not the case. While these advertisements target retirees and grandparents, young parents are actually in the greatest need of life insurance.

Why is this so? Well, life insurance is not meant to cover just the cost of a funeral or a few unsettled debts. Life insurance is meant to provide financial support to a person’s dependents should he or she pass away. Older, retired adults usually have assets from years of working and mortgage paid off if they owned one as well as dependents have grown up and therefore usually do not need a lot of insurance coverage. On the other hand, young and middle-aged adults often work to support a family, and life insurance plans are more helpful in unlucky circumstances.

A dependent is anyone who relies on another’s income in order to survive, and they are the real reason most people need life insurance. Small children, for example, cannot get a job to support themselves if something unfortunate were to happen to their parents, much less pay off any debts that were left behind. If widowed, unemployed spouses may face difficulties paying for the expenses that pile up. Employed spouses may fair better without an insurance pay out, so long as the lost income was not needed to care for children or pay off debts. After children grow up or a spouse becomes employed, people can often save money and cut their insurance coverage because fewer people are relying on their income.

The amount of insurance coverage a person needs can usually be determined by the number of dependents and the amount of debt that he or she has. There are also many different types of life insurance plans, and we will discuss a few in a later post. Life insurance is a personal decision, but keep in mind the real reason why insurance is important so you can make the right choices in the future.

READERS, what do you think?

Why do you think some people with dependents do not have life insurance policies?

Do you think some people have more life insurance coverage than they need? How so?

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