Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Video Post: "What to Buy in October" by Kelsey Meeks* (Guest Contributor)

October is almost over, which means that Christmas and Chanukah are right around the corner. This most of us will need to start holiday shopping, preparing for winter, and preparing for family gatherings. This video gives you a brief summary of the best buys in October. Take advantage of these deals now, before the month is over.

Because it is only October, scarves, coats, mittens, gloves, and hats are not top priority. However, you may want to consider buying your winter gear now before winter sets in and prices go up. Also, keep in mind of what you will need for the following spring and summer seasons. These items will now be on clearance.

Another thing to consider buying is household items. October is the close of wedding season, so common registry gifts are on sale. This would be a perfect time to grab some household necessities for yourself or even buy gifts for the holidays. Also, the prices of cooking materials will start to rise starting in November and December. Think ahead about what you will be cooking and stock up!
READERS, what do you think?

What other ways could you save during the month of October that would better prepare you for the upcoming holidays?

*Kelsey Meeks is an undergraduate student with UK Department of Family Sciences

Wysocki, L. ( 2012, October 1). What to Buy in October. Bankrate.com. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.bankrate.com/finance/video/saving-money/what-to-buy-october.aspx

1 comment:

  1. This was very informative. I always knew it was a smart strategy to buy things like summer attire in the winter because it would be on clearance, and winter items in the summer because they'd be on sale, but I never realized just how much savings it entailed. I definitely think I will try this out sometime soon and see how much I save. It's just kind of difficult because I am definitely an impulse buyer, I need to break that habit.
